Phiphidi Falls is a sacred site of the Ramunangi clan of the Vha-Venda. Traditional beliefs hold that ancestral water spirits reside in the pool and waterfall. To appease these spirits,...
Phiphidi Falls is a sacred site of the Ramunangi clan of the Vha-Venda. Traditional beliefs hold that ancestral water spirits reside in the pool and waterfall. To appease these spirits, descendants regularly need to pour libations of grain and beer at the site, while local clan members regularly pray there for rain, health, good harvests and peace. An interlayered set of beliefs, laws and rituals determine cultural and spiritual practice at Phiphidi. In 2010, the traditional custodians of the site warned of its “defilement” at the hands of careless tourists and property developers, but today it is successfully managed by conservation authorities and local authorities.